Henri travelled all the way from St Petersburg in Russia. He was bred by Oktyabrina Rodnik of the well known Mistycor Kennel.
We are very excited to have this boy come over to the UK and we are very grateful to Oktyabrina for entrusting us with him.
Henri is a busy little dog who never stays in one place for too long and is my little shadow.
Henri had a fantastic start to his show career when at his very first Open show he was Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Breed, Puppy Group 1 and then Best Puppy in show!!
He continued to win well as a puppy with multiple Best Puppy and Puppy Group placements at Open level and also had 3 Best Puppy awards at Champ level including Best Puppy In Show at the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association CH Show.
Sadly we were unable to show him through his Junior career due to Covid-
See Henri’s Pedigree -
Date of Birth -